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“Through an intimate and artistic lens, Milk brings a universal perspective on the politics, commercialization and controversies surrounding birth and infant feeding over the canvas of stunningly beautiful visuals and poignant voices from around the globe.”

Together with Lactation Care and Citizens for the Code & BFISafelyFed Canada is presenting a free screening of Milk, followed by a workshop on emergency readiness for young families and strategies to counter commercial influence on infant feeding decisions.

The film will be presented in English with French subtitles. The workshop will be presented in English, with French language resources provided.

The program is offered at no cost to the public, but all attendees must register, including children, unless they are babies in arms. Light refreshments will be provided.

Register here: https://www.eventbrite.com/e/milk-educational-program-tickets-722869250387?aff=odcleoeventsincollection&keep_tld=1&fbclid=IwAR2GEGNLU2hb3Fa-TQCPcpYqkiaRInziTuN4gMz1Q59SWrzs93as4chJwMc

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