Share your stories

Stories from ordinary Canadians help us make the case for better regulation of foods intended for infants and young children.

Will you share yours?

Parents are bombarded by marketing messages from the baby food industry long before their little one comes home - in the mail, on social media, in grocery aisle and often, even in the offices where they or their children are getting medical care.

Do you feel like you have access to the information you need to make decisions about feeding your baby or young child?

Do the labels and packaging of items like baby formula and commercial baby foods tell you what you need to know?

Have you ever seen ads or samples or branded items in your doctor's office or your baby's?

Did you receive baby formula samples or other 'gifts' in the mail?

Tell us all about it!

Story Snippets
Story Use

If you have images of the product or circumstances in your story, please feel free to upload them here. (JPG/PNG)