European Resources
This page includes resources developed as part of several collaborations, including Infant Feeding Support for Refugee Children (IFSfRC) and the IFE Core Group and its member organizations, as well as individual volunteers.
Every effort has been made to ensure that resources are up to date and translations are correct. The page is being updated as needs are identified and translations received. If you find an error or need a resource that is not listed here, please contact us.

How to write and talk about Infant and Young Child Feeding in Emergencies
Resource for Subject Matter Experts
Infant and Young Child Feeding in Emergencies: Information for the media
Resource for Media
Joint Statement on Infant and Young Child Feeding in Emergencies – Template
Word document (editable)
Global, comprehensive and interactive repository of essential IYCF-E resources
For helpers
Transit Guidelines
Intended for helpers who are supporting families and caregivers who are in transit to safety.
Simple Points for Helpers
Key messages for helpers assisting families and others which can be used as a multi-lingual tool.
Key Phrases for IYCF Assessment and Support
Common phrases and terms necessary for the assessment and support of infants and young children
For families and caregivers
For donors
Responsible Donations
Untargetted and inappropriate donations can increase suffering and create harm that extends well beyond a crisis.